Thursday, September 13

Library Day - Book Club

Book Club

Once again, it's Library Day. It's also Book Club Day.

My library haul this week is a very meager one. I walked out with nothing more than next month's selection. We are able to take books out for just 2 weeks and these next few weeks promise to be busy ones. No time for armfuls of books this time.

The book club meeting went very well. This is my first book club since Edmund was a toddler. That one didn't last too long for me - I was a relatively new mother and pregnant with my second. I had no time (or energy) to read, let alone carry on an intelligent conversation! I really enjoyed myself today. The conversation was lively and there were a lot of very interesting opinions. I think I had something to offer to the conversation and that felt good. I'm glad a I went and I'm looking forward to next month. If you've read the book, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

I also met a woman who is on the board of the local Newcomers Club and has promised to take me under her wing at their upcoming meeting. Apparently it is a very active group with a lot of social activities!

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