Saturday, July 2

Weighing in Week #3

Since it has only been a few days since my last weigh in, there is not much to report. I made it through the stressful week with out resorting to food! Yay for me!

I'm going away for part of this week which will present some challenges. The boys and I will be spending 4 days with friends and family at the beach so there will be lots of temptations. Chris will join us for the weekend and he and I are going out Friday night for a special (kid free!) celebration. More temptation.

How are you all doing? What challenges are you facing?

For this week:

Current weight: 140 lbs (no change)

Goals for the week:

-Exercise 3 times
-Make smart choices when eating away from home
-Pack healthy picnic options to bring with us instead of relying on what will be there
-Continue to drink 64 oz of water daily

Next week's check in will probably be on Monday.

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