Saturday, April 13

Farm Season


If you've been here before, then you know of my love affair with fresh local produce and farmers markets (and farmers!).  I look forward to this time of year when the market season starts back up again!  And this time every year I look for a local CSA to join with high hopes.  I love the idea of being having a share in a farm and I especially love the idea of a surprise box of local goodness every week! But every year it's the same - nothing less than a 40 minute drive and pick up is always during the week when I am working.  Until this year!  I found a farm that has partnered with Artizone.  This is perfect for me - I can have my local fresh produce delivered to me.  They will bring it right to my house (or work) on Friday and I can pick a time frame. I'm also not tied to a long commitment.  I can order on a week by week basis so if I don't need a box, I can skip that week and not worry about it.  This week was my first delivery. I'm excited at the possibilities!

My box included:
~ rainbow chard
~ sorrel
~ leaf lettuce
~ spring onions
~ parsnips
~ carrots
~ strawberries
~ grapefruit

If any one has any suggestions for sorrel, please let me know!

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